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Working in the Floodplain

If your property is in or near the floodplain

First, learn more about the allowed uses in the floodplain. If you are planning a project, determine if your project is ALLOWED in the floodplain. While many improvements are prohibited in a floodplain, some uses are allowed if the improvement is in conformance with local regulations. A list of those allowable improvements related to individual property owners is provided below:

  • Playground Equipment – Property owners will be required to accept legal liability for flooding potential and hazards.
  • Landscaping in conformance with uses allowed in drainage easements
  • At-grade trails, such as footpaths that are not placed above the existing ground.
  • Underground utilities, with adequate cover.
  • Recessed stairs.

A full list of allowed uses in the floodplain can be found in the City of Centennial’s Land Use Code – Under Article 7, go to Division 7-3 Floodplain Management and Flood Damage Prevention.

At any time, you can contact SEMSWA staff for direction concerning your proposed improvements or project by calling (303) 858-8844 or using the Contact Us form.

I think my improvements are allowed by the regulations. Do I still need permits?

  1. A Floodplain Development Permit is required for any development proposed in the Floodplain. All activities, regardless of impact, need to be permitted. If you have determined the use is allowed, call SEMSWA to apply for a Floodplain Development Permit (FPDP).
  2. Building permits are required for any structural improvements or additions.
  3. A Grading, Erosion, and Sediment Control permit is required for any grading activities within the floodplain.
  4. A Fence Permit is required for fence construction.