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Open Records

Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority Open Records Policy (CORA)

Do I have to submit a CORA request to SEMSWA to get copies of records?

No.  It is the intent of our office, in most cases, to provide its records to customers and the public without requiring a CORA request.  Before making a CORA request, contact to request copies of SEMSWA’s records from our staff.   Many records are readily available to the public.   Our office may be able to help you access these records without asking you to make a formal CORA request.

Formal CORA Requests

Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority (SEMSWA) will make public records available for inspection in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Colorado Open Records Act, Colorado Revised Statutes §24-72-201, et seq (CORA). The act mandates access to many types of records, but it also provides exemptions on the basis of confidentiality, privilege, and security, among others.

All formal CORA requests for public records must be made in writing and must include the following:

  • Requestor’s full name, address, email address and telephone number
  • As detailed a description of the records requested as is reasonably possible
  • A statement that the request is made pursuant to the provisions of the Colorado Open Records Act, Colorado Revised Statutes §24-72-201, et seq.

Written requests must be delivered in person, by mail or by email to

Mailed requests should be addressed to:

Executive Director
7437 S Fairplay St.
Centennial, CO 80112


One hour of research toward responding to a request will be completed at no charge. After the first hour, a $30/hour charge will be assessed for researching files for requested information, manipulation of data to generate a record in a form not used by SEMSWA, or redaction of documents containingconfidential information. Fees also apply for copies of public records. If SEMSWA estimates the cost to comply with the request including the making of copies will exceed $30.00, the requestor may be required by the custodian to deposit that estimate with SEMSWA prior to fulfillment of the request by SEMSWA.

Fees for copies of public records

  • Paper, standard page (one side of a page, up to 11” x 17″, black and white or color) – 25 cents
  • Paper, oversized page (one side of a page, larger than 11” x 17”, black and white or color) – $1.25
  • Photographic image digitized from a photographic print or negative (JPEG or TIFF or PDF) – $1.50
  • Photographic paper print from a photographic negative – Actual cost
  • Electronic documents in PDF format if normally maintained in PDF by SEMSWA – no charge
  • Media disk – $1
  • Postage to mail copies – actual cost
  • Email of copies to requestor – no charge