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Floodplain Regulations & Permitting

In order to obtain a Floodplain Development Permit (FPDP) a determination of the impact from the project to the floodplain must be made.  SEMSWA issues FPDPs within the City of Centennial and unincorporated Arapahoe County. FPDPs are required for all activities in the floodplain. Section 5.6.1 of The City of Centennial Stormwater Management manual states “A Floodplain Development Permit is required for any development proposed in the Floodplain.” FEMA defines development as “any man-made change to improved or un-improved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations, or storage of equipment and materials.” The Floodplain Development Permit is required prior to issuance of a building permit, issuance of a street cut or right-of-way use permit, issuance of a GESC permit, issuance of a public improvements permit, and any other development, use or change of the use of land located in the Floodplain. The Floodplain Development Permit is required in addition to other permits or review processes, which may be associated with the underlying zone district. All activities, regardless of impact, need to be permitted. Even when it is apparent that there are no adverse impacts to the floodplain, a permit is required for administrative purposes to ensure that SEMSWA is aware of the activities within the floodplain and that they have been evaluated for compliance with the City’s requirements.  For more information on Floodplain Development Permits, see Section 5.6 of SEMSWA Stormwater Management Manual and Section 5.6 of the Arapahoe County Stormwater Management Manual.

Analysis of the Impact or No Impact to the Floodplain 
  • To determine whether or not the proposed project will cause an impact on the floodplain may entail a Floodplain Modification Study or Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR).
  • If the proposed project will not cause an impact to the floodplain, then a No Impact Floodplain Development Permit (FPDP) would be required.   An Engineer’s Certification of No Impact is required for this type of FPDP; please use one of the following templates:


  • If the proposed project will cause an impact to the floodplain, a standard FPDP will be required.
  • If the proposed project will cause an impact to a FEMA regulated floodplain, a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) will be required to be submitted and approved by FEMA prior to approval of the FPDP. – See CLOMR and LOMR checklists below.
Floodplain Development Permit (FPDP) 

SEMSWA’s Floodplain Program issues Floodplain Development Permits for projects in and around the 100-year floodplain.

Arapahoe County Floodplain Development Permit – To be used for all proposed projects located in the floodplain within Arapahoe County

SEMSWA Application for Review – To be submitted for all floodplain projects located within SEMSWA’s Jurisdiction
Annual Floodplain Development Permit (FPDP) 

In an effort to make the floodplain permitting process more efficient and accommodating to consultants for certain routine projects that cause no impacts to the floodplain within the City of Centennial, the SEMSWA Floodplain Department has created two Annual Floodplain Development Permits.  These new Annual Floodplain Development Permits are being offered to Utility Companies as well as to the Parks and Recreation Districts and are ONLY for projects located within the City of Centennial.  For more information (including application) on Annual Floodplain Development Permits, please visit our Annual Permits page.


SEMSWA’s Floodplain Regulations and Permitting Requirements follow Federal and State criteria and are authorized through the City and County’s LDC and are described in detail in the City of Centennial and Arapahoe County’s Stormwater Management Manuals.

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 44 for FEMA Requirements