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Capital Improvements (CIP)

Each year SEMSWA constructs master planned capital improvement projects that improve the drainage system by helping to prevent flooding and improve water quality while protecting the environment and property.

Capital Improvement projects are typically identified and prioritized during the drainageway master planning process or by stormwater infrastructure inspection activities. SEMSWA’s Capital Improvement Program focuses on the construction of major drainageway system improvements that include stormwater facilities and infrastructure such as inlets, pipes, channels and ponds. The program also addresses major retrofits and upgrades to existing facilities. Our engineers work collaboratively with various entities including other governmental agencies and professional design and construction firms that assist in the design and construction of these projects responsibly.

Types of Stormwater CIP Projects

  • ​Stream Stabilization often improves flood conveyance capacity and enhances water quality by reducing the impacts of stream degradation    
  • Infrastructure Rehabilitation, Enhancement, and Replacement is often needed when aging infrastructure is assessed to be in poor condition and requires repair or replacement.  
  • Stormwater Detention and Water Quality Pond Design and Construction provides a regional solution to flood control and water quality for existing and future development.  
  • ​Channel Repair work is addressed through both planned CIP projects and also emergency repairs needed after flood events when public safety is at risk.     
  • Pond Modifications are often required to expand flood control capacity add water quality infrastructure and also to generally bring facilities into compliance with master planning and current design criteria

Live Projects

SEMSWA is currently developing a live website of project highlights, please check back soon!