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Activities that are allowed in the floodplain with the proper Permits

A narrow water channel bordered by wooden planks and green grass in a park-like setting.

The City has determined that the following uses and improvements may be considered within the floodplain if it is determined that the proposed use or improvement is in conformance with the floodplain management regulations and floodplain management goals.

Agricultural Uses.

  • Agriculture (including crop production, livestock grazing, and fish hatcheries) and nursery, where allowed in the applicable zoning district. 
  • Noncommercial production of crops (e.g., orchards or garden plots that are an amenity to development) – gardens in boxes must be permitted. 

Recreation Uses.

  • Nature areas, picnic areas, and trails. Furniture cannot be placed in the floodway. Furniture in the flood fringe area must be permitted and if allowed, anchored.
  • Ball Fields. Structures, including bleachers, are not allowed.
  • Golf courses, provided that: The applicant provides a management plan that demonstrates that downstream water quality will not be adversely affected by fertilizers and pesticides associated with the use; Pedestrian or golf cart trails and bridges that are designed to pass the 10-year flood event with freeboard as per requirements of the Stormwater Management Manual. 
  • Play courts / Playground Equipment (in the flood fringe only).
  • Recreational camps. 
  • Trails and Paths open to the general public.

Public Facilities.

  • Facilities for watershed protection and similar uses. 
  • Detention and water quality facilities associated with approved master drainage plans. 
  • Maintenance of existing local streets.
  • Underground utilities (that cross through the entire floodplain) as long as adequate cover (as defined by criteria for each utility type) exists to protect the utilities. 
  • Parking for park and public facilities.


  • Landscaping in conformance with the uses allowed in Section 12-7-202Use of Floodplains.

​​Uses Not Listed.​

  • Uses not specifically listed above may be permitted if, in the opinion of the Director (or designee), they are similar in character to permitted uses in this district, and are in conformance with the intent of this district. Uses not specifically prohibited in this section should not be construed as allowed by exclusion. 

​​ALL activities in the floodplain, regardless of impact, need to be permitted. Even when it is apparent that there are no adverse impacts to the floodplain, a permit is required. Common floodplain activities that must be permitted:

  • Floodplain modifications – including an any filling, grading, channel improvements or channel works of any kind
  • Stabilization improvements – drop structures, rip rap, bank protection
  • Installation or maintenance of bridges, culverts, other conveyances
  • Any improvements to structures within the floodplain
  • Landscaping – including grading, clearing, re-vegetation, tree planting, retaining walls, bridges, stairs, etc.
  • Trenching operations associated with utility construction or maintenance
  • Installation and maintenance of storm sewer outfall structures
  • Fencing, when approved
  • Trail construction or rehabilitation
  • Construction and maintenance of master planned on-line detention or water quality facilities
  • Installation and maintenance of park and recreation facilities